Unofficial Washington State Airbnb B&O Tax Form Generator

Use this form to convert your Airbnb gross income statement to a file you can upload to the Washington State DOR website to automatically complete your quarterly tax return.

We do not store any information entered on this website and we do not even transmit anything from this page. You can even use it disconnected from the internet completely (after loading the page).

Please note this site is only designed for people who manage one listing and who have no other business income. This website should not be used as tax advice. Consult a tax specialist for details on your specific tax requirements.

You must manually review your tax return to verify it is correct before you submit it.

We are not affiliated in any way with Airbnb or the Washington State DOR. This is a community-built unofficial service that we provide on a donation basis.

To download gross income file from Airbnb:
  1. Log in to Airbnb as a host
  2. Click on "Menu" on the top center of the screen
  3. Select "Earnings"
  4. Scroll down and click "Show all paid" button
  5. Click "Get report" at the bottom
  6. Click "Create report"
No need to adjust the date filters, this tool will filter to the appropriate dates automatically
Drag & Drop or Click Here to upload
To upload these tax details to your tax return (after downloading the file):
  1. Navigate to the DOR tax return form
  2. Start your return
  3. Select the option to upload a file
  4. Choose the file you just downloaded
  5. If no errors were detected, click Next and review the return

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